Alberto & García en Bilbao
Event s web a3 bilbao cartel la herida gira 2024  002

Alberto & García en Bilbao

Brought to you by: EP Management

Cotton Club. C/ Gregorio de la Revilla Zumarkalea, 25 See map Cotton Club. C/ Gregorio de la Revilla Zumarkalea, 25

Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details

Gira "La Herida 2024"

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.


Comments (4) 4 Comments

Attended on 4/05/2024 VERIFIED COMMENT
Un grupo que nunca defrauda
Fernando Arias
Attended on 4/05/2024 VERIFIED COMMENT
Un fiestón de buena música y alegría contagiosa
Demasiado buenos para llenar un estadio, pero… sería de justicia que lo consiguieran
Attended on 4/05/2024 VERIFIED COMMENT
Mucho baile
El sonido y el ambiente de calidad
Attended on 4/05/2024 VERIFIED COMMENT
We were in Bilbao for a weekend (coming from The Netherlands). Wanted to hear some live music. It was a real surprise to be part of Alberto y Garcia’s performance. We enjoyed it very much. When we bought a t-shirt ( for support), we got a cd as a gift. Thank you all for a special evening in Bilbao!
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